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Wednesday, 5th August 2009 11:48 PM
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Legia`s and Broendby`s players for the Thursday match

Hugollek, Tomek Janus

There are only few changes in the squad for the match against Broendby which were put into effect by Legia's coach, Jan Urban. Surprisingly, Marcin Smoliński returns on the field. "I had a dilemma who to call up for the Thursday game. The rivalry in the team goes on and I think I have chosen the most powerful eighteen footballers I could. There are going to be changes in the squad. What kind of? You'll see tomorrow. I still have some doubts and I don't know who I am going to choose the next day" – admitted Legia's coach.

Vagueness is connected first of all with the forwards. In Copenhagen played Marcin Mięciel. However, Adrian Paluchowski replaced him in the game against Zagłębie Lubin on Sunday. While it is true that Jan Urban admitted that he was going to choose "Miętowy" tomorrow, it is hard to say if he's not going to change his mind.

Eighteen players of Legia:
Goalkeepers: Jan Mucha, Kostiantyn Macnhowskij
Defenders: Jakub Rzeźniczak, Wojciech Szala, Artur Jędrzejczyk, Inaki Astiz, Marcin Komorowski, Tomasz Kiełbowicz
Midfielders: Miroslav Radović, Roger Guerreiro, Maciej Iwański, Piotr Giza, Ariel Borysiuk, Maciej Rybus, Sebastian Szałachowski, Marcin Smoliński
Attackers: Marcin Mięciel, Adrian Paluchowski

Eighteen players of Broendby:
Stephan Andersen, Michael Tornes, Anders Randrup, Max von Schlebrügge, Jan Frederiksen, Samuel Holmén, Mikael Nilsson, Alexander Farnerud, Morten D. Rasmussen, Jon Jönsson, Peter Madsen, Stefan Gislason, Thomas Rasmussen, Ousman Jallow, Michael Krohn-Dehli, Mike Jensen, Jan Kristiansen, Daniel Wass

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